Hi, my name is Rebecca

I'm a motivated Shopify and Front-end engineer who loves Syfy, mysteries, modern retro (I think that's a thing) and napping. If coffee IV drips were a thing, hook me up give me a puzzle and music, and I'm good to go!
Most recently, I freelanced as a Shopify developer, working directly with designers to bring their clients' vision to life.
I am currently learning how to make Shopify apps using React and anything else that is down that rabbit hole.
I work remotely from my residence outside Orlando, FL, where I was born and raised.

Virtual Desk -in progress
PERN, Vercel, Heroku
Solo Project
Virtual Desk is an app for students to get help more efficiently from a pool of approved resources such as teachers, teacher assistants and tutors.

French Moi
PERN, Vercel, Heroku
Pair Project
French Moi is a spaced repitition language learning app. Using a singly linked list to cycle through questions and repeating the ones answered incorrectly.

PERN, Web Audio API, Canvas, SineWave.js
Team of 6 Project
Binaural generates binaural beats and audio visualizations to help users achieve altered states of consciousness.